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Beetroot Powder
Price    : Ksh.250
Weight : 100g
Product Details 

Beet root is the root part of beet plant and is also known as garden beet, table beet, red beet or only beet in North America.  Beet root is cold pressed to obtain the oil. Beetroot has amazing benefits over health, skin and hair. Beet root can be consumed raw, cooked or steamed in the form of salad, juice or any food recipes. Doctor advises to increase the intake of beetroot for people who suffer from kidney stone. It is also used a natural hair dye to colour your hair red, and it is totally natural with no artificial ingredients mixed in it. Beetroots are also used to intensify the colour of any food recipe and can be used to make wine too.


Beetroot  has been elevated to the status of a super-powder owing to its many benefits. But, did you know it can remove blemishes from your skin? Beetroot has some rather surprising benefits to offer for your skin. To know more, read on!

  • Gets rid of dry skin
  • Eliminates wrinkles and fine lines
  • Helps remove extra pigmentation on the skin
  • Helps remove impurities and dirt from the skin
  • Keeps the skin nourished and moisturized
  • Treats acne
  • Eliminates dark circles

What if we told you that you can have naturally red hair without the use of any harsh chemicals? Not only does beetroot make one hell of a natural hair dye, it also tends to improve the health of your hair and leave you feeling like a Disney princess. Potassium deficiency is often linked to hair loss. It is a nutrient that is crucial for hair growth. Beetroot oil is a good source of potassium, which is why ingesting it can prevent hair loss and promote hair growth. Here are more benefits of beetroot oil for hair

  • Prevents hair loss
  • Promotes hair growth
  • Provides relieve from a itchy scalp
  • Prevents Premature Balding
  • Prevents dandruff
  • Improve hair and scalp health